Approaching Media Texts Reflection

The idea of social construction is the make up of society and the way they think. Social construction is able to relate to media studies because of the influence of in-depth thinking put into it, if that makes sense. Social construction is the way you and others think. You and everyone around you are bound to have their own opinions and feelings on different subjects. Not everyone will think the way you think and you won't think the way everyone else thinks. Its relation to media studies is the fact that everyone is able to have a outlook on medias and share their own opinions. Media could never be limited to certain people because many different people come across it share it and criticize or compliment it. An example would be a group of people only like to see architectural posts or designing posts and most of the time that's all they see but once in a while a puppy or nail art would pop up on their timeline. Although that may not appeal to them, they'll see it. If that makes sense.


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