
The term representation plays a key role in media studies and has many different aspects to it. Representation helps to emphasize the things you see in media like movies, tv shows, etc., that don't always present a more direct approach of the real world. The term is able to suggest that media represents things constantly over and over again until it eventually becomes natural to the viewers' mind. The idea of representation in comparison to Stuart Hall's theory is that representation is apart of the world in which it tries to represent and the representation provides a sort of map that is able to help give meaning to the world through forms of media. For example, in the show the Originals, vampires, werewolves, witches, etc., are the representation of powerful beings in the world compared to humans and ordinary animals. Obviously, when you first watch the show you're not used to the concept or the representation of the "beings," but eventually you watch enough of it, it becomes natural to you to be able to watch the show about the creatures. I could probably guess what you're thinking and no the fictional creatures don't represent that there are creatures on this earth who exist with abilities like them, but it represents something deeper if you really look and observe. Like it's stated or implied.. representation is more in implied than straightforward.


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